put twitter on your website with tweet!, an unobtrusive javascript plugin for jquery.
Check out the script in action at seaofclouds.com, and see the following demos.
#1 – Displaying three tweets from the seaofclouds twitter feed:
jQuery(function($){ $(".tweet").tweet({ join_text: "auto", username: "seaofclouds", avatar_size: 48, count: 3, auto_join_text_default: " we said, ", auto_join_text_ed: " we ", auto_join_text_ing: " we were ", auto_join_text_reply: " we replied ", auto_join_text_url: " we were checking out ", loading_text: "loading tweets..." }); });
#2 – Displaying up to four tweets with the query “tweet.seaofclouds.com“:
jQuery(function($){ $("#query").tweet({ avatar_size: 32, count: 4, query: "tweet.seaofclouds.com", loading_text: "searching twitter..." }); });
#3 – Displaying up to three links with the search query “from:seaofclouds http“:
jQuery(function($){ $("#userandquery").tweet({ count: 3, query: "from:seaofclouds http", loading_text: "searching twitter..." }); });
#4 – Displaying four tweets from the two users “seaofclouds” and “laughingsquid”, refreshing every 60 seconds:
(Note that it’s more reliable to display multiple users’ tweets by using a list – see below)
jQuery(function($){ $("#fromtwo").tweet({ avatar_size: 32, count: 4, username: ["seaofclouds", "laughingsquid"], loading_text: "searching twitter...", refresh_interval: 60 }); });
#5 – Displaying tweets from users on the ‘team’ list of ‘twitter’:
jQuery(function($){ $("#list").tweet({ avatar_size: 32, count: 4, username: "twitter", list: "team", loading_text: "loading list..." }); });
#6 – Displaying the user sanityinc’s favorite tweets, and using a handler for tweet’s “loaded” event to make links open in a new window:
jQuery(function($){ $("#favorites").tweet({ avatar_size: 32, count: 3, username: "sanityinc", favorites: true, loading_text: "loading list..." }).bind("loaded",function(){$(this).find("a").attr("target","_blank");}); });
#7 – Fetch 20 tweets, but filter out @replies, and display only 3:
jQuery(function($){ $("#filter").tweet({ avatar_size: 32, count: 3, fetch: 20, filter: function(t){ return ! /^@\w+/.test(t.tweet_raw_text); }, username: "sanityinc" }); });
#8 – Customize the layout to eliminate the date stamps and avatars, add an action (aka “web intent”) link, and make it open in a popup window:
jQuery(function($){ $("#custom").tweet({ avatar_size: 32, count: 4, username: "seaofclouds", template: "{text} » {retweet_action}" }); }).bind("loaded", function(){ $(this).find("a.tweet_action").click(function(ev) { window.open(this.href, "Retweet", 'menubar=0,resizable=0,width=550,height=420,top=200,left=400'); ev.preventDefault(); }); });
#9 – Adding a message when no tweets matching ‘somerandomstring‘ are found:
jQuery(function($){ $("#empty").tweet({ avatar_size: 32, count: 4, query: rnd, loading_text: "searching twitter..." }).bind("empty", function() { $(this).append("No matching tweets found"); }); });
#10 – use button to page forwards and backwards:
jQuery(function($){ var options = { username: "seaofclouds", page: 1, avatar_size: 32, count: 4, loading_text: "loading ..." }; var widget = $("#paging .widget"), next = $("#paging .next"), prev = $("#paging .prev"); var enable = function(el, yes) { yes ? $(el).removeAttr('disabled') : $(el).attr('disabled', true); }; var stepClick = function(incr) { return function() { options.page = options.page + incr; enable(this, false); widget.tweet(options); }; }; next.bind("checkstate", function() { enable(this, widget.find("li").length == options.count) }).click(stepClick(1)); prev.bind("checkstate", function() { enable(this, options.page > 1) }).click(stepClick(-1)); widget.tweet(options).bind("loaded", function() { next.add(prev).trigger("checkstate"); }); });
#11 – display one tweet at a time like a ticker:
jQuery(function($){ $("#ticker").tweet({ username: "seaofclouds", page: 1, avatar_size: 32, count: 20, loading_text: "loading ..." }).bind("loaded", function() { var ul = $(this).find(".tweet_list"); var ticker = function() { setTimeout(function() { ul.find('li:first').animate( {marginTop: '-4em'}, 500, function() { $(this).detach().appendTo(ul).removeAttr('style'); }); ticker(); }, 5000); }; ticker(); }); });
- small size and fast download time
- will not slow down or pause your page while tweets are loading
- display up to 100 tweets, as permitted by the twitter search api
- display tweets from a twitter search, or from your own feed
- optional verb tense matching, for human readable tweets
- optionally display your avatar
- optionally display tweets from multiple accounts!
- display tweets from a list, or display a user’s favorites
- optional reloading after a specified delay
- automatic linking of @replies to users’ twitter page
- automatic linking of URLs
- uses Twitter’s Search API, so you can display any tweets you like
- Display up to 100 tweets that have been posted within 7 days (limit set by Twitter’s Search API)
- automatic linking of #hashtags, to a twitter search of all your tags
- converts <3 to a css styleable ♥ (we ♥ hearts)
- customize the layout for tweets within the widget
- apply custom filters, e.g. to remove @replies
- define a custom sort order for tweets
- customize the style with your own stylesheet or with other jquery plugins
- compatible with most jquery versions, from 1.2.6 to the latest 1.7
- supports RequireJS and other AMD-compatible javascript loaders
NOTE: Some users have reported that they do not show up in Twitter’s search results.
1. Get JQuery. In these examples, we use Google’s AJAX Libraries API.
2. include jQuery and jquery.tweet.js files in your template’s <head>.
<script language="javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.4/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script language="javascript" src="/tweet/jquery.tweet.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
3. Also in <head>, Initialize tweet! on page load with your Username and other options
<script type='text/javascript'>
username: "seaofclouds",
join_text: "auto",
avatar_size: 32,
count: 3,
auto_join_text_default: "we said,",
auto_join_text_ed: "we",
auto_join_text_ing: "we were",
auto_join_text_reply: "we replied to",
auto_join_text_url: "we were checking out",
loading_text: "loading tweets..."
4. In <body>, include a placeholder for your tweets. They’ll get loaded in via JSON. How fancy!
<div class="tweet"></div>
5. Style with our stylesheet in <head>, or modify as you like!
<link href="jquery.tweet.css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
Bring your code slinging skills to Github and help us develop new features for tweet!
git clone git://github.com/seaofclouds/tweet.git
Report bugs and request features in Github Issues
Licensed under the MIT
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