The following is a selection of books written by World Press Institute Alumni

John Pepper
John Pepper, a 1969-1970 WPI fellow from United Kingdom, has published several books since his WPI fellowship:Cry Downriver (2011), a real-life love letter to a drowned soulmate; Cockley Beck, A Celebration of Lakeland in Winter (2006), listed by Booker chairman Robert Macfarlane as one of ‘the great classics of British nature writing’; The Good God Guide (2002), cartoons on religion introduced by Spike Milligan. Pepper also wrote a series of essays about his WPI experience and visits to 37 states — Amerigrope.

Ben Antao’s
Images of the USA is Ben Antao’s memoir of his travels during 1966-67 as a WPI fellow from India. The memoir covers a panaroma of America in the 60s, with chapters on the American Woman, Avatar of JFK (Robert Kennedy), Hippies and LSD, Living on Credit, Skiing in Colorado and Night life for playboys. The book is available from the author (

Pavel Kriz, Czech Republic
Pavel Kriz, Czech Republic, WPI ’69, has translated and edited a book of memoirs of a prominent scientist in the field of medicinal technology, professor of the University of Saskatchewn, Dr. Viktor A. Pollak, With the Star of David. The book was published in April 2010. The book has been published in Czech but Kriz is hoping that it will also have an English version.

Max Hastings
Max Hastings, United Kingdom, WPI ’67, has written several books on World War II. The most recent is Finest Years: Churchill as Warlord, 1940-45 published in 2009. Hastings’ first book was on his experience in the U.S. during his fellowship in 1967-68, America, 1968: The Fire This Time

Kauis Niemi,
Kauis Niemi, Finland, WPI ’03: Biography of Helena Ranta, a Finnish forensic expert.

Alexenia Dimitrov
Alexenia Dimitrova, Bulgaria, WPI ’96: The Iron Fist: Inside the Bulgarian and American Secret Archives, published in English by Artnik Publishing in London. The book is about the Cold War era and attempts to explain why many people sought to escape communism.

Claire Miller
Claire Miller, Australia, WPI ’96: Snowy River Story tells how residents of the southeast Australia towns of Dalgety, New South Wales, and Orbost, Victoria, fought to save the Snowy River after if was dammed in the 1960s by the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme. The grassroots battle culminated in a government fighting for its life in 1999 and an historic interstate deal to restore a national icon.

Elisabetta Piqué
Elisabetta Piqué, Argentina, WPI ’94: Rome correspondent for La Nación in Buenos Aires, published a book about her experiences as a war correspondent, Diario de Guerra: Apuntes de una corresponsal en el frente, Afganistan 2001 — Irak 2003. The book includes articles published in her newspaper.

Shelton A. Gunaratne
Shelton A. Gunaratne, Sri Lanka, WPI ’67: The Dao of the Press: A Humanocentric Theory. The book combines the Eastern cosmological notion of yin-yang with the new-systems thinking implicit in the theory of living systems. It is the author’s attempt to motivate more