Harry Morgan Fellowship

Sponsored Fellowship
These Fellows were awarded the Harry Morgan Fellowship
The Harry Morgan Fellowship has been sponsored since its inception by his sons Howard Morgan, Christopher “Kip” Morgan and Benny Morgan. Harry Morgan founded the World Press Institute in 1961.

2024 - Kosovo
Mr. Xhemajl Rexha, freelance journalist and chairperson of the Association of Journalists of Kosovoin Pristina.

2023 – Australia
Ms. Bridget Rollason, Victoria political reporter for the Australian Broadcast Corporation (ABC) in Melbourne.

2022 – Iran
Mr. Kourosh Ziabari, reporter and correspondent for Asia Times, Fair Observer and contributor to Foreign Policy and The New Arab; based in Rasht.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there were no WPI Fellowships in 2020 or 2021.

2019 – Romania
Ms. Sorana Stanescu, managing editor and coordinator of editorial beat covering rural development for DoR (Decat o Revista), a nonprofit media organization in Bucharest.

2018 – Russia
Mr. Alexey Kovalev, managing editor for Coda Story Russian online digital media in Moscow.

2017 – Poland
Mr. Maciej Czarnecki, foreign desk journalist for Gazeta Wyborcza newspaper in Warsaw.

2016 – Nigeria
Mr. Nicholas Ibekwe, deputy head of investigations for Premium Times online/digital media in Abuja.

2015 – Ukraine
Ms. Iuliia Mendel coordinates and anchors the prime-time investigative program “Without Words” for Espreso TV. in Kiev

2014 – The Netherlands
Mr. Ivo Van Woerden, freelance investigative journalist for national magazines and newspapers in Rotterdam.

2013 – Ghana
Ms. Veronica Kwabla is an anchor and reporter for Tv3 Network Ltd. television in Accra.

2012 – Hungary
Mr. Pal Daniel Renyi is an investigative journalist and reporter for Magyar Narancs, a nation-wide weekly political-cultural magazine and for magyarnarancs.hu website in Budapest.

2011 – Moldova/Romania
Ms. Andra Miron is executive producer of Publika TV in Chisinau, the first 24-hour news channel in Moldova. Before that, she was a senior journalist and trainings manager at Realitatea TV in Bucharest, Romania.

2010 – Hungary
Mr. Attila Póth is foreign news editor for RTL Klub Televisio, Budapest. His duties include interviews for the evening news and writing articles for RTL Online. He also makes documentaries for XXI Szazad magazine.
Please read this tribute to Harry W. Morgan from the World Press Institute Board of Directors upon his passing in late 2007.