Helsingin Sanomat Foundation Fellowship
The activities of the World Press Institute are made possible by the donations and support of the following organizations and individuals

Sponsored Fellowship
These Fellows were awarded the Helsingin Sanomat Foundation Fellowship.
This Fellowship for a Finnish journalist has been sponsored since its inception by the Helsingin Sanomat Foundation in Helsinki, Finland.

Mr. Alexander Uggla, investigative reporter for the Finnish Public Broadcasting Company (Yle) in Helsinki.

Ms. Pauliina Grym, radio journalist and host for the Finnish Public Broadcasting Company Yle in Helsinki.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there were no WPI Fellowships in 2020 or 2021.

Ms. Saara Koho, reporter and columnist for Talouselama, a weekly business magazine in Helsinki.

Ms. Jenny Jӓnnӓri, head of staff for Kauppalehti Optio business magazine in Helsinki.

Ms. Elina Hiltunen, news producer for Finnish Broadcasting Company / Yle News online and broadcast in Helsinki.

Ms. Minna Asikainen, content manager for Finnish Broadcasting Company (Yle) television in Helsinki.

Mr. Jussi Niemelainen, foreign editor for Helsingin Sanomat newspaper in Helsinki.

Ms. Elina Lappalainen is a columnist and business reporter for Talouselama magazine and website in Helsinki.

Mr. Olavi Koistinen is a business staff writer for Helsingin Sanomat, Finland’s largest daily paper, in Helsinki. He also writes stories for the newspaper’s online news portal.

Ms. Eija Väliranta is a journalist and web producer with Apu, a weekly magazine, in Helsinki. She has also worked as a script writer and photo journalist.

Ms. Annika Damström is a presenter for Ykkösen Aamu-TV of the Finnish Broadcasing Company YLE in Helsinki. She is the host of a morning, three-hour, live news and current affairs program.