
Donate today to support free press

World Press Institute strives to enable excellence in international reporting by promoting the benefits of a free press and upholding journalistic best practices.

Thanks to our supporters, we offer one of the most comprehensive U.S. fellowship programs for professional journalists from around the world. Since 1961, we have welcomed around 600 journalists from nearly 100 countries.

Your generous donation will help us to continue this important work.

Get involved

WPI relies on the generosity of people and organizations. We are always seeking volunteers who are:
  • Professional media, advocacy or policy representatives to share insights with our fellows; and
  • Local residents in the Twin Cities, Ely or Tracy areas of Minnesota to host to our fellows.

Please contact us to learn about these and other volunteer opportunities with WPI.

Donate Online

Make a contribution using a credit card or check card.
You can donate through our secure page on

Donate by Mail

Send a check payable to World Press Institute to the following address:
World Press Institute
3415 University Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55114

“In my years of affiliation with the World Press Institute, I have seen no other institution which has done the job they have in introducing talented young foreign journalists to the complexities of the American way of life.

Year after year, journalists from all parts of the world have had an unequaled opportunity to see the American system at work, often to report on major U.S. developments, crises in foreign policy, presidential elections, even national tragedies and disaster.

Each year WPI fellows have traveled the length and breadth of the United States…They have returned to their own countries filled with pragmatic expertise and a background for understanding both the U.S., and their own countries in a way they never were able to do before.”

Harrison Salisbury, an American journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner for international reporting. He became the first regular New York Times correspondent in Moscow after World War II.