United States Studies Centre Media Fellowship
The activities of the World Press Institute are made possible by the donations and support of the following organizations and individuals

Sponsored Fellowship
These Fellows were awarded the United States Studies Centre Media Fellowship
This Fellowship for an Australian jounalist has been sponsored since its inception by the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney, Australia.

Mr. Nino Bucci, crime and justice reporter for The Age newspaper in Melbourne.

Ms. Leah Craven, senior political reporter/state political bureau chief, Network Ten television in Melbourne.

Ms. Shalailah Medhora, producer and reporter for SBS TV News’ Parliament Bureau in Canberra.

Mr. Carson Scott is anchor and chief business correspondent for Sky News Business television in Sydney.

Mr. David King is national chief of staff and news editor for the daily Australian newspaper in Sydney. He also helps plan the news coverage for online and print platforms.

Ms. Siobhan Heanue is a TV journalist and presenter for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) in Canberra. She also produces and presents Culture Quarter, which airs on ABC’s 24-hour news channel and presents stories of cultural significance for a national audience.