Blog / News

My many firsts in the land of the First Amendment

My many firsts in the land of the First Amendment

When I applied for the World Press Institute fellowship, I knew I would travel through the United States alongside nine other journalists from different countries to meet policy makers, politicians, journalists and media executives. I also knew we would be immersing...

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My late night conversation with ChatGPT

My late night conversation with ChatGPT

For the two months we have been travelling in the United States and meeting with journalists and top media executives, ChatGPT has been at the center of many discussions across media platforms. Nearly four months after it launched officially, ChatGPT is entering U.S....

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World Press Institute Announces 2022 International Fellows

World Press Institute Announces 2022 International Fellows

Image: 2017 WPI class at Google Headquarters in Mountain View, California After a year and a half hiatus, the World Press Institute (WPI) will resume its annual journalism fellowship program and has chosen 9 journalists from Argentina,