
Vice President of News and Programming
WTOP Radio
Washington, D.C.

Jim Farley is vice president for news and programming at WTOP Radio, an all-news station in the nation’s capitol. It is the number one radio station in the country in terms of ad revenue.

In 2011 WTOP won the National Edward R. Murrow Award for Overall Excellence and the Marconi Award for Major Market Legendary Radio Station of the year.

Jim has been in his position at WTOP since 1996. Before that he worked for 21 years as an executive at ABC News and NBC News. He has taught graduate and undergraduate journalism at Fordham and at NYU. He has a long background in radio news, including General Manager of Programming, ABC Radio Networks, and Vice President of NBC Radio News, both in New York.

He started his career as a copy boy at the all-news WINS in New York City in 1966.