
Professor and Director,
Minnesota Journalism Center
University of Minnesota School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Hansen is a co-author (with Nora Paul) of Information for Mass Communication (an online-only text updated continuously by Great River Technologies), Computer-Assisted Research: Information Strategies and Tools for Journalists (IRE Beat Book Series, No. 8, 2007), and Behind the Message: Information Strategies for Communicators (Allyn & Bacon, 2004) and of Newspapers of Record in a Digital Age with Shannon E. Martin (Praeger, 1998); dozens of scholarly articles and numerous pieces in journalism trade publications.

She and Paul are recipients of a 2007 Knight Challenge Grant of $250,000 to study the use of digital games to deliver news content. She and Paul are also the recipients of a 2009 grant from the Minnesota Job Skills Partnership program to do training for the news and advertising staff at the St. Paul Pioneer Press.

As Director of the Minnesota Journalism Center since 1997, Hansen has organized numerous professional-development workshops for journalists and news librarians in the U.S. and internationally.