Transparency Reporting

From time to time, the World Press Institute offers seminars on investigative reporting, transparency reporting and computer-assisted reporting for international journalists or teachers, often in their own countries.

Such seminars have been held in Minnesota, Argentina, Chile, China, Germany, Mexico, India, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.

The seminars are free to those selected to participate. Candidates must be fluent in English, be full-time teachers with extensive professional journalism experience, or full-time professional journalists who also teach skills courses to students or who are responsible for training where they work.

Graduates return to use the content and teaching methods with professionals and students in their own countries. They are encouraged to hold their own seminars and even bring some of their U.S. training colleagues as speakers. This has happened in Peru, Chile and Uruguay.

Topics covered include such areas as ethics, dealing with sources, advanced web searching, and tools for computer-assisted reporting.

Homepage of the National Institute for Computer Assisted Reporting. The Institute provides training for journalists around the world in the use of C.A.R. The site also has tipsheets, databases and other resources for journalists learning the craft.
Hompage for NICAR’s parent organization, Investigative Reporters and Editors which provides training and resources for Investigative Reporters.
The Web site of Centro de Periodistas de Investigacion, an IRE training affiliate for journalists in Central and South America. The site maintains a list of resources for journalist who want to learn computer assisted reporting and investigative reporting. Among the resources are more the 600 articles by journalists using C.A.R. and investigative reporting.
The Brazilian Association for Investigative Journalism. ABRAJI provides training for journalists in investigative reporting and computer assisted reporting.
A Web site for Canadian journalists on using computer assisted reporting. The site has training aides and downloadable data from Canada.
The Global Investigative Journalism Network is a coalition of journalism organizations from around the world dedicated to teaching investigative reporting and computer assisted reporting. The site provides links to dozens of organizations and their Web sites.