A friend (I won’t name him, but he’s a reporter and substitute anchor for bTV Bulgarian Television) wrote once in this blog: “I am convinced that...
Wilson Vega

Flying with myself
I left the residence with my host family and spent pretty much every minute talking to them about the-whole-nine-weeks. At the airport, I minded the...
Personal Reflections
This going to be cheesy, corny, drippy, sugary... No apologies, you have been warned.Its real name is 'Cloud Gate', but people commonly refer to it...
‘They write us checks because they love us’
Well, I did it. I bought a new suitcase. It is yellow and BIG. I call it ‘Big Bird’.Of course, this blog is not about that. Is just that I bought a...
Conventional Politics
The climate in Charlotte could not have been better. Wait.. It IS true that the heat was humid and sticky, and that at any moment it rained, skies...
From A to B
It was meant to be titled 'Driving in America', but since it took me so long to write this entry, I have since then found other ways to go from A to...