David Taylor is fed up with the mainstream media. The 53-year-old Texan with long blond hair and dressed in cowboy garb lives with his pit bull and...
A Bloody wait for Gun Control in the United States
The complexity of the Constitution cannot be an excuse for lawmakers in the US to standby as their own innocent civilians are being murdered.I believe government here has to take steps to disarm the civilian population, rather than taking steps to counsel or deter the potential killer.
In the eye of the storm
They say there are two types of people who run toward a disaster: firemen and reporters. And that’s exactly what Miami Herald Reporter David Ovalle...
Miami Beach and corrupt Latin American politicians
In recent years, Miami has earned itself an unsavory reputation as a haven for corrupt Latin American politicians. I reflected on this as I admired...
Should we really be reporting everything Trump tweets?
Every morning, a bleary-eyed Washington Post reporter drags his or herself out of bed bright and early, makes some coffee and is dutifully seated in...
9/11 and the politics of memory
A couple of days ago, I was standing in a crowded subway carriage in downtown New York with a couple of other WPI fellows, when a man standing on...