Blog / News
Part Two: Journalism, unattached?
Freedom of speech is so important in this country that it’s written in the First Amendment. Whether it’s because the founders thought that they had to protect speech from political or government persecution above all other rights or just because it was the first thing...
Losing readers: Are you smart, short, and efficient to get back readers?
I switched from my job to a new newspaper in Bangladesh in July 2019. For the new one, it was a great challenge because the print newspaper readership was slumping. Then, COVID-19 dealt another blow to the newspaper industry in my country, as most newspapers saw sharp...
Immigrant’s brewery survives, thrives
A visit to the August Schell Brewing Co., during our recent trip to New Ulm, Minn., was an enthralling experience for the WPI class of 2022, a few of whom were inside a brewery for the very first time. Some even a got a tad tipsy, after a remarkable tasting session...
How big of a nuclear threat is North Korea to the world in 2022?
On April 19th 2022, World Press Institute fellows visited the Stimson Center in Washington, D.C. Pauliina Grym, a reporter with the Finnish Broadcasting Company interviewed Jenny Town, an expert on North Korean and the senior fellow and director of 38 North, which...