In front of the White House. 9/11/2015

While we were at the roosevelt room in the White House, we were asked to put all of our phones in a locker. Which means no photos either. That kind of made us all sad, as we all wanted to keep this highly special memory of ours well documented. Then I thought why not I just draw the moment! They can stop me from bringing my phone in the room but the couldn’t stop me from my pen! 🙂 So here it is:
Inside the Roosevelt room. 9/11/2015

Shuttle train to New York. On our way towards the big apple. 12/09/2015

Sketching at the times square. It was lot of fun. Only place where people were huddling all together, taking selfies but didn’t mind about their personal spaces.

After a long work day at brooklyn the group decides to go for a drink at a rooftop bar nearby. It amazes me how in only few weeks we became like a family and started to enjoy each others company so much.

The Halal guys at time square. Selling Gyros. I love Gyro. I think Newyork is the best place for sketch booking on street because of its energy. Never ending!

Now we are at Miami. Enjoying our free days at the sea beach under the Sun. And every time I am thinking it can not be better than this. And then it does. Here is a sketch for the host families who couldn’t come. Under the umbrela at the south beach. 20/09/2015