
Dear WPI fellows from all the next generations – here is something for you!

First steps in the Twin cities – or how to take a closer look at American society through a baseball game

As you already know – you are going to spend the first three weeks of the fellowship in the Twin Cities – Minneapolis and St. Paul, And particularly here – at the University of Saint Thomas…

University of Saint Thomas

…meeting great people like this:

With John Ullmann – Pulitzer winner and former investigative editor at Star Tribune

Stay alert. You can learn so much from your host families and local people as well, Let’s take for example this baseball game.

Let’s go, Twins!

My host dad – Perry, was trying hard to explain to me the baseball game

Despite all the efforts of the host families, the statement that I understand this game, is highly overrated.

But I can say for sure who was the star of the night – a player called Miguel Sano, who scored a home run and won the game for the local team – the Twins.

Miguel Sano

The curious fact is he was actually born in the Dominican Republic, and not in the United States. Some of the other Twins players were also born outside of the United States. How is that connected to the labor market in the United States – watch the video below!


Tip of the day: 

Once you land in the United States, try to find decent coffee as soon as possible. This country is wonderful for so many different reasons, but in my opinion, coffee is not one of them.
Oh, and if you are a smoker, bring as much cigarettes as you can, here they are too expensive! Good moment to quit smoking!