The defamation lawsuit filed against Fox News might open a Pandora’s box of media scrutiny in the United States. Academics fear it could start new...

The defamation lawsuit filed against Fox News might open a Pandora’s box of media scrutiny in the United States. Academics fear it could start new...
The US state of Minesota has not voted for a Republican President since 1972, but why is it so liberal leaning compared to its neighbors? Bridget Rollason tried to find out in this Tik Tok
Since the beginning of human socialization, it was clear that a basic agreement between the members of a community was needed in order for that...
As the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump continues to expand, one question comes to mind. Did Silicon Valley put Trump in office...
I had a run-in with ”the Mooch” recently. I spoke to former White House adviser Anthony Scaramucci outside an event of his in Austin, Texas, and,...
To the extent that there is such a thing as objective truth, I always thought that the “fake news” trend was just an exaggerated new spin put...