Seven hours after being arraigned on charges for his alleged role in coordinating hush-money to payments to a porn star and falsifying business...
Presidential Election
Minnesota’s Secretary of State says biggest challenge to American democracy is ‘disinformation’
U.S. democracy faces, a number of threats and challenges, but, the most serious one is “disinformation,” said Minnesota Secretary of State Steve...
Will the landmark case against Fox News drag down other media too?
The defamation lawsuit filed against Fox News might open a Pandora’s box of media scrutiny in the United States. Academics fear it could start new...
Why is Minnesota so liberal compared to its neighbors?
The US state of Minesota has not voted for a Republican President since 1972, but why is it so liberal leaning compared to its neighbors? Bridget Rollason tried to find out in this Tik Tok
How I met the Mooch
I had a run-in with ”the Mooch” recently. I spoke to former White House adviser Anthony Scaramucci outside an event of his in Austin, Texas, and,...
Cyberattacks: The biggest threat to the United States?
He is 20 years old. Since his childhood, computers have been the center of his life. He works in the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia, as a cybersecurity expert at a firm owned by an American company in Washington, D.C.