Author: Leah Craven

2015 WPI Fellow

Political Reporter, Network Ten
Melbourne, Australia
Twitter: @leahcraven
Twitter feed is not available at the moment.

Posts by Leah Craven:

WPI whirlwind tour of the United States

WPI whirlwind tour of the United States

What I’ve learnt so far… Newsroom downsizing It’s happening, or has already happened, almost everywhere. During the five years I’ve been at my company we have had three rounds of redundancies. While we’ve been on this trip, two of the...

Smart phones, smarter reporting?

 They’re everywhere, and almost everyone has one. Perhaps even your grandmother. It’s no secret that smart phones have changed the way journalists work. It has also changed the way the public can engage with mainstream media, or produce their own...
WiTF? (What is This Food?)

WiTF? (What is This Food?)

There is one thing every single person I have spoken to in Minnesota agrees on – that I must visit the state fair. Locals say it’s an event rich with tradition, and attending is a rite of passage for all Minnesotans and their visitors. It boats livestock exhibits,...

Black Lives Matter…everywhere

The fraught relationship between police and the African American community in the United States played out on television screens across the world, as riots broke out in many states in response to a spate of deaths of black men at the hands of law enforcement. The...