Author: Olavi Koistinen

2012 WPI Fellow

Business Staff Writer, Helsingin Sanomat
Helsingin Sanomat, Finland

Posts by Olavi Koistinen:

Boys will be boys, girls will be girls

Just look at him. You see that fire in his eyes? You see that posture? He is indeed a very powerful man. And we are only looking at a photograph. When you meet him face to face, he is even more convincing. He is reverend Jerry McAfee and he is against gay...

Halls of madness

 I was kind of stupid.When I was thinking about what to see in Minneapolis, I kept overlooking Mall of America. I thought it’s just a big shop. All the other fellows were going there, everyone was talking about it, our WPI intern said it’s super but I...

Land of the barbarian’s sword

Hello America, My name is Olavi and I’m from Finland. I’m staying in the USA until October, travelling around the country and learning about the society. It’s easy for me to be open-minded, because I already have a good feeling about you guys. That is because of one...