Author: Olavi Koistinen

2012 WPI Fellow

Business Staff Writer, Helsingin Sanomat
Helsingin Sanomat, Finland

Posts by Olavi Koistinen:

Newspapers of the USA. #2: The flashy gals

This is my second post about the visual appearance of U.S. newspapers, actually a continuation to my previous post which was mainly about New York Times. To read the whole story, start from “Newspapers of the USA. #1” also available on this very blog.I...

Voices (and rectangles)

This post is about memories. This is a final day of the fellowship, and I have to write this.Week ago we arrived to Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco, where our travels ended. Nothing more to do, no further west to go. It was sunny and windy and I was finally...

Newspapers of the USA. #1: Old Gray Lady

She is smart, but she also needs the looks. Right?We have traveled around the USA for eight weeks and visited almost a dozen newspaper newsrooms, among other things. I’m going to write a couple of posts about U.S. newspapers, based on my observations. First two...

Boring situation in Finland

“I’m so sick of these questions. I live in Kabul and I’m not in danger all the time. People don’t get that we are civilized and smart people. All the time they are just like, hey, wha’s the security situation in Afghanistan.” ...

Middle name of John R. Crowe

The 9/11 memorial in New York disarmed me at first sight. It was such a simple place. A large square embedded to the ground, names of all the 9/11 victims written to the black marble. Water was flowing down the walls of the square, making a serene sound, shining in...