Blog / News
India’s sobering drop in human freedom
India has shown a near-constant decline between 2013 and 2019, in various parameters of personal, civil, and economic freedom measured in the Human Freedom Index, and since 2008 it’s had “the biggest drop.” The Index, co-published by the Cato Institute in the United...
Did The Cold War end – or not?
During our days in New York City this April, we visited The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Leaving the posh building, I carried their over 200-pages magazine Foreign Affairs in my purse. It had a stunning cover: a globe covered by a hanging Ukraine flag with the...
Unilateralism is poisonous to nuclear non-proliferation: JCPOA explains why
Nuclear non-proliferation is a cherished ideal that needs to be safeguarded. Against the backdrop of tragedies that have shaken the world security since the first atomic bomb was produced in a uranium enrichment facility in Oak Ridge in east Tennessee, it appears to...
What are the possibilities for the use of nuclear weapons in the Russia-Ukraine war?
The situation in Ukraine demands restraint and a diplomatic solution, said Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association. “But once warfare in Ukraine has stopped, there must be a serious reckoning with the role nuclear weapons play in the military...