I became fascinated by the American criminal and justice systems as a teenager, thanks to my sister Raliya who introduced me to the books of...
Personal Reflections

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My many firsts in the land of the First Amendment
When I applied for the World Press Institute fellowship, I knew I would travel through the United States alongside nine other journalists from...

Reflections of a Turkish journalist on the role of the press and disinformation
The Turkish mainstream media and general population view American media as intrinsically hostile to Turkey, to its government and to its people....

Searching for Sunlight: Grand Marais residents pay no electricity bill thanks to solar energy
A first-time visitor to Grand Marais might be surprised to see solar panels installed on house roofs, simply because this icy small town is a long...

On races, cultures and friendship
Hong Kong is a largely racially homogeneous society, as only about 8% of the population is non-Chinese. Back home, I am in a privileged position as...

What will happen, and where, on the upcoming Russian Victory Day May 9?
For years, I have watched Russia putting up parades more and more pompous celebrating their victory over Nazi Germany in 1945 every May 9. The...