If the essence of the doomsday clock is to provoke conversation, we must have these conversations, before it is too late and novelty becomes a disaster.
What then is midnight, it is the end of humanity as we know it. Period.
Nuclear Threats and Security
Policing of Nuclear Weapons Proliferation is Failing Without The U.S and Russia
Bulletin of The Atomic Scientists, a 75-year-old magazine created by scientists directly involved in the Manhattan Project, a U.S research project in 1942-45 that produced the first atomic bombs. These scientists decided, after being overruled on their suggestion to not use these bombs on a civilian population, that there was value in an organization that informed the public on the state of modern science and what was needed to reduce man-made threats to our existence.
China-U.S. competition need not erupt into war
China believes democracy is in decline and the era of a unipolar world order dominated by the United States is all but over. In that context, one...
Time seen as ally in sanctions vs. Russia
Are the sanctions, which have not deterred Vladimir Putin thus far, likely to be effective in Russia? Michael McFaul, an American academic and...
South Asia’s nuclear jitters
The South Asia equation, given nuclear-armed neighbors Pakistan, India and China, with testy ties, is one that is “the most disturbing, the most...
What will happen, and where, on the upcoming Russian Victory Day May 9?
For years, I have watched Russia putting up parades more and more pompous celebrating their victory over Nazi Germany in 1945 every May 9. The...