Mr. David King is national chief of staff and news editor for the daily Australian newspaper in Sydney. He also helps plan the news coverage for online and print platforms.
Ms. Konstanze Walther is a business reporter and editor for Wiener Zeitung newspaper in Vienna. She covers economics in Europe, Latin America and the U.S.
Ms. Leda Balbino is a foreign desk editor for iG (Internet Group) news website in São Paulo. She coordinates and edits the work of reporters, news agencies and freelancers.
Mr. Ivan Georgiev is a reporter and anchor for bTV television in Sofia. In addition to reporting of live stories, he also does documentaries and is a substitute anchor for This Morning show.
Mr. Wilson Fernando Vega Rivera, is an international subeditor for El Tiempo newspaper in Bogotá. He is in charge of covering international news for both the print and electronic editions.
Mr. Olavi Koistinen is a business staff writer for Helsingin Sanomat, Finland’s largest daily paper, in Helsinki. He also writes stories for the newspaper’s online news portal.
Mr. Pal Daniel Renyi is an investigative journalist and reporter for Magyar Narancs, a nation-wide weekly political-cultural magazine and for website in Budapest.
Ms. Neha Dixit is a principal correspondent for TVTN Ltd in New Dehli. She works for the special investigations team of the company and files investigative stories for the English News Channel, Headlines Today and the daily newspaper, Mail Today.
South Africa
Ms. Melini Moses is a senior reporter and radio news anchor for the South African Broadcasting Corporation radio network in Johannesburg. She researches and compiles news stories for hourly news bulletins, among other duties.
Mr. Farouk Kayondo is news editor and anchor for Uganda Broadcasting Corporation in Kampala. Among his duties are conducting daily editorial meetings and assigning reporters and camera persons.