
1978 WPI Fellows


Carlos Dell’Isola is a freelance news and documentary cinematographer who has made films for news agencies in Argentina, NBC and CBC in the U.S., Brazil’s O Globo Television and Germany’s Program No. 1,


Hebe Guimaraes-Dalgaard is a political reporter for O Estado de S. Paulo. In 1976 she won the highest journalism award in Brazil for a series of articles denouncing corrruption in the federal government.


Peter Essoka is chief of the English language news division of Radio Cameroon. He has been a broadcaster for 10 years.


Carlos Vera is a program director, news reporter, animator and producor of cultural programs for Channel 8 in Quito.

Hong Kong

Barry Choi is a senior reporter with Hong Kong’s leading English language daily, the South China Morning Post.


Nachman Shai is a senior correspondent with Israel Television, most recently a military correspondent.


Masaaki Sagami is a political and economic reporter for the Kyoto Shimbun newspaper, writing about local politics and the national government.


Johan Tunberger has been a parliamentary, diploamtic and military correspondent for Svensak Dagbladet, a Stockholm daily, before taking a leave to serve as counselor to the Swedish Secretary of Defense.


Judicate Shoo is the first WPI fellow from Tanzania. Since 1975 he has been the bureau chief of the Tanzania News Agency in the southern regional capital of Mbeya.


Narunart Prapanya works for the Nation Review, an English Daily and also writes for Time and Asia Week.

United Kingdom

Trevor Fishlock is a senior reporter and feature writer for The Times of London, specializng in coverage of Welsh affairs.