Blog / News

Time seen as ally in sanctions vs. Russia

Time seen as ally in sanctions vs. Russia

Are the sanctions, which have not deterred Vladimir Putin thus far, likely to be effective in Russia? Michael McFaul, an American academic and diplomat who served as the U.S. ambassador to Russia (2012-14), believes it might lead to the end of Putinism in the long...

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Should citizen journalists be called journalists?

Should citizen journalists be called journalists?

With every citizen possessing a smartphone and capturing footage of public events or social encounters that might otherwise remain shrouded in oblivion, our news consumption habits have changed radically. We once merely relied on the corporate media to present us with...

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Newsletters: an increasingly crowded media space

Newsletters: an increasingly crowded media space

With nearly 3,500 unread emails, it’s almost impossible to clear my inbox. I have been subscribing to more and more newsletters over the past years. Some are from big news media organizations; some are created by prominent writers on Substack. Newsletters have been...

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Abortion debate might spark up the midterms

Abortion debate might spark up the midterms

Many liberal Americans, as well as many liberal Finns in my home country, were shocked when they learned that the Supreme Court might overturn Roe v. Wade. That would mean there would be no more federal protection for abortion rights. “We hold that Roe and Casey must...

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What Foreigners Really See When They Come to America

Journalists from Afghanistan, Finland, Germany, and more reflect on life in the age of Trump. Read the article on Vanity Fair