Author: wpiadmin

Posts by wpiadmin:

In the eye of the storm

They say there are two types of people who run toward a disaster: firemen and reporters. And that’s exactly what Miami Herald Reporter David Ovalle did. As others across the city camped out in their offices waiting for hurricane Irma’s fury to abate so they could go...
9/11 and the politics of memory

9/11 and the politics of memory

A couple of days ago, I was standing in a crowded subway carriage in downtown New York with a couple of other WPI fellows, when a man standing on the corner by the doors, caught our attention. He looked around age 20 and wore loose-fitting military fatigues and...

Gail Rosenblum and the art of column writing

Confession of the day: I’m a social media addict. I love Facebook and I write posts about absolutely everything, from the wonderful latte art on the cappuccino I had this morning to the random conversation I had with the Uber driver who turned out to be an aspiring...