With nearly 3,500 unread emails, it’s almost impossible to clear my inbox. I have been subscribing to more and more newsletters over the past years....
New Business Models for Journalism in the Digital Age
Where are local media?
So many local media disappeared in recent years. Not only in the United States, but also in small countries like Bulgaria. There were at least five...
Nonprofit news outlets are increasing. What are the business models?
The major sources of income for Bangladesh media are government and private advertisements. But many times through the years, the Bangladeshi media...
ProPublica and ProVeritas – two media, different countries
It’s impossible in Bulgaria to have such a media as ProPublica, funded by donations, without interference from sponsors in journalism, said Spas...
The Innovations In Funding Journalism
Journalists are losing jobs in record numbers and the existing business models cannot guarantee a secure future for the profession. There are new and innovative business models replacing the old way every cycle. However, these models are not without critique. Although they all swear by their independence and by all indications they are, the freedom laws in America allow them to be so. There remains the influence of capitalism, the true benefactor, which may continue to determine the leanings and polarity of American media.
Can US local journalism be saved?
The Cook County News-Herald, a weekly newspaper of Grand Marais, Minn., was on the brink of closure and almost did not make it to its 130th...