“Native Gardens” is a witty comedy by Karen Zacarías, currently showing at the Guthrie Theater. The well-to-do Butleys, with their manicured lawn...
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Veteran investigative reporter John Ullmann teaches us not to get complacent
“Phones off. Put your laptops away. Remember how to take notes? Well, that’s what you’re going to do,” yelled John Ullmann as soon as he walked into...
An American Dream: Reflections on the WPI Fellowship
The 2016 WPI Fellows after a meeting at the White House In the glovebox of a Chicago taxi there is a birthday card from Barack Obama. The...
Chicago- city, risen from the ashes
"Chicago. The city, like a phoenix, risen from the ashes after the Great Fire in 1871. The city of the first skyscraper in the world. The city of...
”So, what do you think of us?”
One question has been repeated over and over again as we´ve been travelling around the country. People kept asking it in northern Minnesota, in the...
“School is cool"! Recently I have heard this short sentence from various people who most probably consider themselves already old. And I am...