The only thing social media can’t be blamed for: our own errors in the lemming rush to “break” a news story. This, however, is nothing new and has existed for centuries.

The only thing social media can’t be blamed for: our own errors in the lemming rush to “break” a news story. This, however, is nothing new and has existed for centuries.
Not only was President Trump trying to coerce a foreign leader to find dirt on a political opponent, he also promotes a longstanding conspiracy theory originating in right-wing circles.
Vladimir Nabokov once wrote that reality is one of the few words that means nothing without quotation marks. The collapse of reality is not just a Russian phenomenon; it went global.
Donald Trump has consistently made opposition to immigration the center of his politics and Twitter feed. On Broadway, immigration is a topic to...
Education is our way to critical thinking and understanding of politics and social issues. In the era of fake news, schools are teaching children to become more critical consumers of information, especially on social media. This is how we will be able to make informed decisions. And hopefully, vote accordingly.
“Again?” My American friends asked in disbelief when we heard about the latest tragedy. August for Texas citizens ended as it began: with the spate of gun violence. It seems to me that politicians’ “thoughts and prayers” are not working.