
Love in the Time of New York

Love in the Time of New York

The roaring street is hung for miles with fierce electric fire. The ensemble of human intrigue, drama, power struggle and chaos is hard to overlook. In the urban landscape, amid straight lines and architecture or even its frenetic energy, people often lose themselves....
WPI whirlwind tour of the United States

WPI whirlwind tour of the United States

What I’ve learnt so far… Newsroom downsizing It’s happening, or has already happened, almost everywhere. During the five years I’ve been at my company we have had three rounds of redundancies. While we’ve been on this trip, two of the...
(NO) Guns Allowed

(NO) Guns Allowed

 November 5, 2009; Fort Hood, Texas April 2 2012; Oikos, California July 20 2012; Aurora, Colorado September 16 2013; Washington, DC June 17 2015; Charlestown, South Caroline These are some of the saddest dates in the new US history. Hundreds of Americans have lost...

Greater Than What?

“Make America Great Again!”, Donald Trump’s campaign slogan, would make you erroneously  believe that America’s best days are all behind it and that the country is fast becoming one of those has-been global powers like the Great Britain....

The Donald

There is no way of escaping The Donald. American tv channels had been obsessing with the Pope for a few days already when we landed in Chicago. At airports we would watch mute tv screens showing live coverage of places he was about to arrive to or had just left from....
An Eye for an Eye?

An Eye for an Eye?

It’s no longer a choice between violence and nonviolence. It’s either non-violence or non-existence—Martin Luther King Jr. But aren’t we steeped in violence today? With massacres taking place with predictable frequency, might displayed in order to address perceived...